More than just sucking wind.
Electric motorcycles
present a unique opportunity for today’s designers. Untethered from the
restrictions of conventional motorcycle requirements, designers can rearrange configurations
to suit their unique visions. Saharudin Busri, a Malaysian industrial
designer, took full advantage of this creative freedom when he drafted
an electric concept based on Dyson’s line of products.
2009, James Dyson introduced the bladeless electric fan to the market.
The Dyson Air Multiplier utilized “airflow engineering” instead of fan
blades to “multiply” air. Sought after for its minimalist design, the
Air Multiplier presented an alternative to traditional fans. Now, the
design offers inspiration for a new alternative to traditional modes of
Like Dyson’s products, Busri’s concept pairs neo-futurist design with saturated accents. The brushed aluminum/cobalt blue motor
takes after the V11 Torque Drive cordless vacuum. With a name like
that, one could easily confuse the vacuum for a sports car, but if the
concept’s motor spins anything close to the 125,000 rpm the V11 reaches,
it would certainly be more than a handful.

Along with
the electric mill, the concept’s hubless wheels borrow from Dyson’s Air
Multiplier bladeless fan, though we doubt the wheels
would use the company’s patented airflow technology for power delivery.
To complete the chassis, a swingarm connects to the frame by a
gyroscopic ball, similar to Dyson’s D65 vacuum. While Dyson claims that
“ball technology” is great “for easy steering”, we’re skeptical if a
pivot point in the rear would be advantageous or downright dangerous.
it looks like something out of a Brookstone catalog. No, you probably
won’t see Busri’s Dyson concept on the road anytime soon—at least in its current form—but it is another example of the creative possibilities electric motorcycles present in this day and age.